Whispers from the Sky-Spire

Review 24: Demon Driven to the Maw

What's more fun than going to a party in a castle? A party in a castle hosted by blood-drinking creatures ready to sacrifice every attendee for their dark ends, of course! Next on my list is "Demon Driven to the Maw", written by Brad Kerr for Cairn. I ran it with Cairn!

The cover art for "Demon Driven to the Maw" featuring a stylized drawing of a red figure with sharp fangs and a long tongue, weeping greenish tears

The general premise of this adventure is a situation that looks normal, but quickly spirals into horror, carnage, and chaos. Fun! A thief known as Jougal is said to have stolen a valuable artifact and has taken refuge in a castle-- the PCs can either be bounty hunters pursuing him, allies making a rendezvous with him, or opportunistic thieves hoping to get the artifact for themselves.

Getting it to the Table

I was quite happy with how the details of the adventure are presented to the prospective GM. As I just mentioned, there is a handy page right at the beginning that explains the current situation and gives examples of how the PCs might be involved. Next is a brief outline of how the adventure is meant to progress-- the first half is intended to be mostly social interaction and investigation as the PCs discreetly search for Jougal, and the second half is when the vampiric, deer-hoofed baobhan sith reveal their true nature and begin slaughtering the guests with the help of a gaggle of red caps (the NIGHTMARE PHASE).

After a two-page spread setting the tone for the adventure, we get a nice brief dramatis personae of the notable NPCs and a bestiary giving further detail for the baobhan sith and the red caps. The NPCs are fantastic, and give the GM plenty of opportunities for entertaining interactions before things pop off.

Next we've got the area key, which is helpfully interspersed with the relevant sections of the map, which removes the need to flip back to the main map while you're running the adventure. Everything here is presented in an efficient manner without a bunch of fluff text, and all of it gives you plenty of flavorful details about how NPCs will behave, along with some hints that things aren't as they should be, even before the timer runs out on the transition to the NIGHTMARE PHASE (Brad's capitalization).

The adventure concludes with a quartet of tables to help flesh out the party and the NIGHTMARE PHASE with random villagers, small talk, baobhan sith, and terrible events. All in all, there is quite a bit of content in here for a 15 page adventure, and players that thrive on social interaction in games will have a fun time!

What Worked?

What Didn't Work?

Final Thoughts

I ran this as a one-shot while I was still getting the hang of Cairn as a system, and it was a nice change of pace from the usual dungeon crawls that I've been running a lot of. Parties are not my strong suit (either in adventure games or in real life!), but the detail that was included here for the NPCs personalities was very helpful in giving me something to work with. My players decided to split up to search the party, allowing for a bunch of fun interactions and some extra chaos once things started to go all murdery.

You can get Demon Driven to the Maw on Brad Kerr's itch page. Thanks for reading!

#adventure #cairn #hell #social